Mainstreaming Climate Resilient Planning


Presentations, expert talks, and workshops

This training empowers city officials to better understand, manage and plan for climate risks and uncertainty in Indian cities.

Why do this training?

Climate uncertainty and extreme weather conditions are increasingly challenging lives, livelihoods, and productivity in Indian cities. There is an urgent need to acknowledge and address Climate Change as part of the urban development planning process. Through this training, participants will achieve a holistic understanding of climate sciences and its impacts on the everyday lives of urban citizens; and how we can mitigate and/ or adapt to these impacts by integrating resilience strategies into our planning process.

What will you learn?

  • Inter-sectoral approaches of urban resilience planning
  • Proactive disaster preparedness, leveraging the city’s social capital
  • Managing heat and flood risk in Indian cities through environmentally sensitive urban design and planning
  • Approaches to include the needs and aspirations of vulnerable communities in urban resilience planning

Who should participate?

Urban Development Department; Regional planning and development authorities (including officials from ULBs within the region); City Municipal Corporations; Sector-wise department heads, and senior and junior engineers/ officials who actually manage day-to-day infrastructure provision in the city — Water, Sanitation, Storm Water, Public Health, Transport, and other affiliated departments such as Slum Rehabilitation Authorities; Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry; Census, Population and Statistics departments.